About Us
Harvey Water is a self-funded cooperative which delivers non-potable water to its members and a broad customer base, located 100km south of Perth, in Western Australia.
Water is sourced from local dams through a licensing agreement with the Department of Water and Environmental Regulation and delivered through gravity flow in a network of channels and pipes to the Harvey, Waroona and Collie River districts. This 112,000 hectare footprint is known as the Harvey Water Irrigation Area. Water is supplied sustainably and efficiently and delivered to Harvey Water's 723 irrigator members and to more than 460 non-member customers for industrial, mining, construction, hobby farming, garden, fire attenuation and community use. A unique gravity-fed system provides water under pressure, delivering a more cost effective supply than traditional pumped schemes. |
Footprint 112,000
Total area of farms within the District 34,369 Irrigated land 6,063 Lined channels 85 kilometres Unlined channels 171 kilometres Piped 549 kilometres Number of Supply Points 1,790 Shareholder irrigators 723 Rural Water Service (RWS) Customers 337 Bylaw 83 Other Customers (Industry, civil, community) 40 |
Harvey Water is a dual cooperative which run as separate entities, the South West Irrigation Asset Cooperative (SWIAC) and the South West Irrigation Management Cooperative (SWIMCO).
SWIAC is the custodian of the organisation's assets. It uses its revenues to maintain and develop infrastructure for the benefit of its members and customers. SWIMCO is the trading entity of Harvey Water. It provides the customer interface and manages the day to day running of the business. Each cooperative has directors who are members and fellow irrigators. These directors are elected by their peers. The board is also supported by one or more subject matter experts whom bring their expertise to the directorship. Members are encouraged to get involved in the development and success of their company. Harvey Water maintains a management team which diligently takes care of the interests of the members, customers and ensures we make the best of our financial and natural resources. |