Harvey Water proudly provides sponsorship to eligible applicants. Harvey Water contributes to a wide variety of community projects, with particular interest in projects focused on agriculture & farming, sustainable environment, education, community infrastructure and community events. Our key communities from which we invite sponsorship are Harvey, Waroona, Dardanup, Bunbury and Collie.
If you would like Harvey Water to consider supporting your community based event, project or initiative, please submit a sponsorship application form with supporting documentation.
As an organisation, Harvey Water receives many applications for sponsorship each year and unfortunately we cannot support each and every submission.
Successful applications will be selected from those submissions received which closely align with the sponsorship criteria, and offer the opportunity for Harvey Water to be recognised as a valuable member of the communities in and around the irrigated area.
Sponsorship is provided on a one-off basis and there should be no assumption funding will be granted in future years.
To allow Harvey Water to fairly assess each application, the following Guidelines have been provided to gauge if your project fits within our Sponsorship Criteria. There are two categories which are outlined below.
Sponsorship Guidelines and Criteria
Category 1 SUPPORT under $500
• Schools and Education based projects
• Voluntary Organisations that encourage community involvement
• Sporting clubs and sporting projects benefiting the local community
• Environment and Catchment Care
If you would like Harvey Water to consider supporting your community based event, project or initiative, please submit a sponsorship application form with supporting documentation.
As an organisation, Harvey Water receives many applications for sponsorship each year and unfortunately we cannot support each and every submission.
Successful applications will be selected from those submissions received which closely align with the sponsorship criteria, and offer the opportunity for Harvey Water to be recognised as a valuable member of the communities in and around the irrigated area.
Sponsorship is provided on a one-off basis and there should be no assumption funding will be granted in future years.
To allow Harvey Water to fairly assess each application, the following Guidelines have been provided to gauge if your project fits within our Sponsorship Criteria. There are two categories which are outlined below.
Sponsorship Guidelines and Criteria
Category 1 SUPPORT under $500
• Schools and Education based projects
• Voluntary Organisations that encourage community involvement
• Sporting clubs and sporting projects benefiting the local community
• Environment and Catchment Care
Category 2 ASSIST under $2000
• Community Events - which attract visitors from outside the key communities that demonstrate economic impact.
• Sustainable Environment - projects which demonstrate sustainable solutions to the protection, management and enhancement of the environment.
• Community infrastructure - projects which provide long term benefits to the local community with the
development of infrastructure and improvement of resources.
• Community Events - which attract visitors from outside the key communities that demonstrate economic impact.
• Sustainable Environment - projects which demonstrate sustainable solutions to the protection, management and enhancement of the environment.
• Community infrastructure - projects which provide long term benefits to the local community with the
development of infrastructure and improvement of resources.
Acquittal Form
Sponsorship Acquittal Form to be completed and returned to Harvey Water on completion of Project / Event.
Sponsorship Acquittal Form to be completed and returned to Harvey Water on completion of Project / Event.