RURAL WATER SERVICESRural Water Services is a wholly owned subsidiary of Harvey Water which supplies non-potable water to people living in rural areas for stock and garden use. Customers can be non-shareholders or shareholders of Harvey Water.
WATER SUPPLY NETWORKHarvey Water is licensed to draw 133.7GL annually from Waroona, Drakesbrook, Logue Brook, Harvey and Wellington dams as well as the Wokalup Pipe-head. Exploration of additional sources of inflow, including renewable resources is an integral and ongoing part of the business.
Water is piped using gravity pressure through 530km of closed pipes and 256km of open channels, supplying water primarily for dairy farming, beef grazing, horticulture and industry. WATER FUTURESupplying water to the premium South West growing districts produces significant regional economic benefits, generating $100 million gross value annually from agriculture and horticulture.
Harvey Water's industry-leading approach to water use efficiency, innovative piping projects and ongoing asset development, has allowed it to optimise its water delivery services, helping to facilitate the growth of an important agricultural sector and expand its customer base. Its capacity to offer a supply of large volumes of non potable water to customers has enabled Harvey Water to secure contracts to service some of the South West's largest industrial and mining operations. Flexible commercial models are developed to suit client requirements, including water infrastructure design, construction, maintenance and supply. |