The ERA (Economic Regulation Authority) has just renewed Harvey Water’s water services licence for another 25 year period commencing 27 August 2020.
Harvey Water has over 1,000 Members and other Customers that rely on the supply of water or services by Harvey Water.
On 9 October 1996 Harvey Water was granted a 25 year license by the Office of Water Regulation to provide irrigated and non-potable water supply services to both Customers and Members throughout Waroona, Harvey and the Collie River Irrigation District.
The ERA conducted a public consultation regarding the renewal of Harvey Water’s water services license, and ensures strict standards are being met in terms of customer obligations, commercial and regulatory compliance.
To secure License renewal, Harvey Water went through a comprehensive audit covering the past 3 years to demonstrate its ability to deliver authorised license activities into the next 25 year period. Based on the information provided, the ERA is satisfied that Harvey Water has, and is likely to retain, the capacity to provide the licensed services. The ERA review concluded that the Harvey Water’s licence continuation is not contrary to public interest.
Harvey Water has over 1,000 Members and other Customers that rely on the supply of water or services by Harvey Water.
On 9 October 1996 Harvey Water was granted a 25 year license by the Office of Water Regulation to provide irrigated and non-potable water supply services to both Customers and Members throughout Waroona, Harvey and the Collie River Irrigation District.
The ERA conducted a public consultation regarding the renewal of Harvey Water’s water services license, and ensures strict standards are being met in terms of customer obligations, commercial and regulatory compliance.
To secure License renewal, Harvey Water went through a comprehensive audit covering the past 3 years to demonstrate its ability to deliver authorised license activities into the next 25 year period. Based on the information provided, the ERA is satisfied that Harvey Water has, and is likely to retain, the capacity to provide the licensed services. The ERA review concluded that the Harvey Water’s licence continuation is not contrary to public interest.